Do you remember when I told you that there were not so good news on Thursday other than the bomb targeting the minister of interior and the arrest of Sinai journalist Ahmed Abu Daraa ??
Well the other bad news is the arrest of leading Revolutionary Socialists member and labour rights lawyer Haitham Mohamadein on Thursday afternoon in Suez. According to tweep Gharib , he was forced to leave the bus he was taking at a police checkpoint because he is a bearded man at first.
Mohamadein in a public meeting for Revolutionary socialists
After inspection , he was detained because they found with him so-called political pamphlets aka “The Socialist” Newspaper !! It is worth to mention that according to law , lawyers can not be inspected except by a permission from the prosecution.
Mohamadein was in Suez in order to solve some labor problem in some steel factory. Later the lawyers and activists in Suez said that Mohamadein was being accused of belonging to a secret organization aka the Revolutionary Socialists.
Today Haitham Mohameden was interrogated by a district attorney in Suez who revealed to Mohamadein and his  lawyers that the socialist lawyer was being interrogated by a state security court !!!!!! Yes it seems that Mohamadein is facing a state security trial !!
Lawyer Ramy Ghanem was tweeting from there.
Here are the accusations Mohamadein are facing :
  • Founding and managing the secret organization of the Revolutionary socialists which incites to empower a particular social class over the whole of society and subvert the social systems of the states. “Its headquarter is well known in Giza and its members are also well known. ”
  • Having pamphlets that incite violence. “Their statements and their newspapers.”
  • Attempting to overthrow the government through terrorist acts committed through Revolutionary socialists.
  • Attempting to occupy governmental institutions.
  • Attempting to destroy the state’s properties in order to harm the national security.
Yup we are in 2013 and this is what political activists and labor activists are accused of after June 30 Revolution to end political dictatorship. By the way Mohamadein , a hardcore socialist who was against the Muslim brotherhood was asked if he were a Muslim brotherhood member. 
Updated : Haitham Mohamadein is released on bail , the charges have not been dropped though. 
Yes the Pro-Military Facebook pages and twitter accounts are claiming that the Revolutionary socialists are just another secret branch of the Muslim brotherhood !!!
You must know that there are educated people who believe this crap.
You also must know that the Revolutionary socialists used to collect Tamaroud petitions for God sake. 
Yesterday Army officers on twitter claimed that he had a fight with an army officer for refusing to let the army checkpoint to inspect his car and insulted him !! FYI Haitham Mohamadein is extremely polite person and does not get in to fights in general.
Ironically the tale of the twitter Army officers contradicts with the facts I mentioned above and enforced by the official legal reports in the police station not to mention Haitham Mohamadein does not own a car in the first place.
Anyhow some people online are buying the army officers’ tale including friends because activists are bad and Haitham is from the useless revolutionary socialists as they say. Yes some people got a huge problem with the revolutionary socialists.
Some people want Haitham and other revolutionary socialists to be sent to jail because  they do not like them and because they are socialists.
Unlike those people from twitter activists , Haitham is from the real activists that truly work on the ground with the true Egyptian working class from farmers and workers regardless of their ideologies and regardless of what you think about him. 
Some believe that Haitham Mohamadein was being targeted after appearing Al Jazeera Mubshar Misr earlier Thursday in a recorded video where he criticized General Abdel Fatah and described him as the leader of the counter of revolution.
Of course some also believe that Mohamadein should be sent right away to jail for this and for defending the detainees who were arrested following Rabaa sit in dispersal.
Today the revolutionary socialists and other activists as well protesters had a small protest at the Supreme court in Cairo and they had to move it to the small staircase of journalists syndication after they were attacked by honorable citizens who called them traitors !!
Yes political activists and protesters in Egypt are back to the staircase of journalists syndicate after rocking Tahrir square.
By the way yesterday the security forces arrested a man that makes Yellow T-Shirts with Rabaa’s logo and today the security forces announced that they arrested a dozen MB members and confiscated a laptop. They found anti-El Sisi songs on that laptop.
Today also I found that the prosecutor general has ordered the state security prosecution to investigate a bunch of public and political figures “mostly from the Pro 25 January revolution icons and activists like Wael Ghonim, Amr Hamzawy , Nawara Negm , Wael Abbas, Ahmed Maher , Wael Nawara and Ghada Shabander ” for US direct funding based on deliberate mistranslated Wikileaks cables.
The original Wikileaks cables speak about tea parties and talks between the embassy officials with those figures but Egyptian News websites are speaking about direct funding !!
Ironically the Tamaroud Nasserite boys told the German minister of foreign affairs that they did what Germany should had done from stopping the Nazism , well I am afraid they do not realize that we are on the verge of having another Nazism. “Of course they do not mind as long as Nasser is back in a new reincarnation. Damn Nasser did not allow political or expression’s freedom except cheap nationalism and presidential cult to flourish that led to a defeat in 1967. This is what the Nasserites actually want.”
In the end the words of Martin Niemöller echo in my mind nowadays.
First they came for the communists,and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.Then they came for the socialists,and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a socialist.Then they came for the trade unionists,and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.Then they came for me,and there was no one left to speak for me.