Al Watan newspaper claimed that Former Chief of Staff and deputy commander of SCAF Sami Anan announced today that he was going to for presidency in Egypt. The news was published in the newspaper’s Friday evening

According to Al Watan General Anan announced this during some public conference in North Coast attended allegedly by thousands of Matrouh’s tribesmen. It is quite interesting because Matrouh is considered an Islamist voting bloc , a Salafist voting bloc to be accurate.

Hours later Al Masry Al Youm claimed that it spoke to the general and he denied that he intended to run for presidency !! He did not explain the reason behind that meeting though.

When I made a quick search online , I found interesting news like for instance how in several shady news websites on how the his support campaign claim that he was the main financier of Tamaroud campaign and how he reconciled with the so-called revolutionary youth.

I do not understand what is exactly happening knowing that Al Watan is too close to what is being referred to the Deep State of Egypt

Let’s be clear that Anan is not popular anymore. He is not popular among the revolutionaries who can not forget what happened during SCAF’s rule and he is not popular among the pro-military or the NDP supporters who used to support in the past because they believe that he supported the Muslim brotherhood.

He is also believed by that conspiracy theory group that he cut his visit to the States in January 2011 only to implement the US plan to destroy Egypt ….etc.

It is worth to mention that this news comes at the same time that there are several campaigns in Egypt calling General Abdel Fatah El Sisi to run for presidential elections. It is also worth to mention that most of those campaigns if not of all them are moderated by NDPians ,Omar Suleiman and Pro-military’s figures. 

Abdel Fatah El Sisi , the new idol of the public in Egypt has not declared yet whether he will run for presidency or not.

So yes we got two possible presidential hopeful : Sami Anan and Abdel Fatah El Sisi.