Egyptian rice (or رز بالشعرية) changed our lives.  It made the simplest and plainest of foods into a mouthwatering dish all on its own.  Thus we feel an obligation to share this recipe with the world.

1 cup white rice
1/2 cup vermicelli or angel hair pasta, broken up into pieces if it is not already
1 tablespoon butter
2 cups water/chicken stock
salt to taste

Nothing fancy, and you obviously do not need to look for these exact brands- 
that might be a long search!

 Melt the butter in the pot (the more the merrier!).  Oil can be substituted.  

 Add the pasta and sauté in butter on medium heat.

 Stir regularly, waiting for the pasta to turn a golden brown.  This takes about 1 minute.

 Add the rice.  A traditional Egyptian cook might then fry the rice and pasta together for 10 minutes before adding the water, but I am far too impatient for that.  1 minute is plenty.

 Add water or chicken stock, as well as salt to taste.  
Bring to a boil, cover, and cook as you would normal rice.

 The finished product.
Serve with any food you like, though it is most certainly tasty enough to be had on its own! 

!بالهنا و الشفاء  -  (Bon Appétit!)